Mucositis Cancer Symptoms

This section will help you to with the
Cancer Symptoms , but it will also be helpful if you are a caregiver of someone better understand what mucositis is and what you can do about it. It has been written to speak to the person with the problem.

Mucositis in the gastrointestinal tract can be painful and cause a number of problems, but is not as easy to see or diagnose and treat.

These pages will focus primarily on mucositis of the mouth and throat (oropharyngeal cavity). We also refer to this as the oral cavity. However, it is important for you to know that mucositis can occur in other mucous membranes as well. Other examples of membranes that can become inflamed include the nasal passages and the vagina The
Cancer Symptoms, or passageway for food from your stomach through to the rectum, is especially sensitive to mucositis-related changes.

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